About the candidates

Anyone is eligible to enter the contest. Members of AMF/Art Meets Fashion staff, interns, contractors, sponsors, or an immediate family member of any of the foregoing, may participate, but are not eligible to win prizes.

Technical specifications for submitted photos

The photo(s) must be submitted as a high-resolution JPEG (10mb). Any entries deemed offensive will be immediately disqualified.

The photo must be an original creation - no copyrighted images may be used.

The participant must certify and warrant that the submitted photo(s) does not violate the rights of a third party or any copyright. AMF / AMF Magazine is not responsible for intellectual property violations that might have resulted through the submissions of photos.

Judging and notification of selected photographers

After the contest closes at 23.59 on 23 March 2023 (MST), qualifying photos will be judged on adherence to the contest challenge through its message clarity, composition and overall presentation. AMF / AMF Magazine will appoint a jury to judge the entries. The jury’s decision is final; the jury may also decide not to select any photos to appear in the next issue of AMF magazine or exhibition if entries are judged of insufficient quality. Any attempt by a participant to influence the result or subvert the photo competition will lead to immediate disqualification.

The photo selected to be considered for inclusion by April 1st, 2023 and the photographer will be notified by e-mail.

If an entrant is unable to be contacted after reasonable attempts have been made to do so, AMF / AMF Magazine reserves the right to offer the prize to the next best entry.

Rights and ownership

By submitting their photos to AMF / AMF Magazine, participants agree to grant AMF / AMF Magazine free of charge the right to use the photo in any manner and media, including without limitation, the right to publish, adapt, distribute, copy, display or translate in printed or electronic media even if they are not the winning entries.

AMF/Art Meets Fashion agrees to mention the full name of the chosen contestant when used in Art Meets Fashion magazine, or other related materials.

Participants may be asked to take part in publicity activities.


AMF / AMF Magazine reserves the right to modify or cancel the contest or any of the arrangements, schedules, plans or other items directly or indirectly related to the contest, at any time and for any reason if deems necessary.

The personal information provided to AMF/Art Meets Fashion by the participants shall only be used for the purposes of this contest. All participants are entitled to access, cancel, oppose and rectify the details about the personal data (such as names, addresses, etc.) contained in the file by sending their request by email to team@amfmagazine.com

Participation in the contest, including being selected to have your photo considered for inclusion in the AMF magazine, in no manner constitutes an endorsement or support by AMF / AMF Magazine of the candidates’ views or aims or of any products or services. Candidates shall not advertise or otherwise claim to have obtained any such endorsement or support. AMF/Art Meets Fashion name and logo are the property of AMF/Art Meets Fashion and should not be used in any manner whatsoever without the prior consent of AMF/Art Meets Fashion. AMF/Art Meets Fashion must approve in writing any statement, advertisement, press release or similar communication in any media, relating to candidates participation in the competition.

Contact us: team@amfmagazine.com